Thousands of people gather in Tervel for the "White Harvest Festival" (VIDEO)
Thousands of guests from all over the country gathered in the third edition of the "White Harvest Festival" in Tervel.
On the eve of the harvest campaign, the mayor of Tervel Municipality, Eng. Simeon Simeonov, congratulated all the farmers in the territory of Tervel Municipality and wished them a rich and accident-free harvest, large yields and high prices.
A rich folklore and culinary program accompanied the celebration, and the culmination was a spectacular video show.
Among the guests of the event were the people's representatives Denitsa Sacheva and Erten Anisova, the deputy regional governor Atanas Duchev, the mayors of the municipalities of Dobrichka Sonia Georgieva, Shabla Mariyan Zhechev, Krushari - Ilhan Mustedjeb, General Toshevo - Valentin Dimitrov.